Think of me as your new mom friend whose got your back, and is always up for a chat over microwaved coffee. 

You'll find I'm not just about diapers and baby food; I'm here to help you reignite your sense of self and have fun doing it.

On any given day, you'll find me wrangling toddlers, getting my steps in or building this community.

Get to know me ↓

I'm so happy you're here!
I'm Meg-

As Seen In:

Click on each image to learn what I can't live without. 

My essentials

Stinson Beach in Northern California and San Diego in Southern California are my favorite places

The beach

Out of reach of toddlers, of course. 

Fresh Flowers

Motherhood is harder than I thought it would be and I love them more than I thought I would

My kids

Enough said. 


Photography is my art.  I'm forever grateful for this. 

My camera

Being uncomfortable is a sign of transformation.

Success is a result of small daily actions

You are the greatest project you will ever work on.

I believe: