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Everyone tells us that becoming a mom will change our lives....
but they never really tell us what that change looks like or how to handle that change.  

I had three kids in a thirteen month period (whoa).  Yes, there is a set of twins in there! 

As my kids hit toddlerhood, I realized that powering through motherhood on sheer grit and caffeine wasn't sustainable.  I was surviving, but I wasn't thriving.  

I didn't want to live my life that way and I didn't want my kids to have a mom who was just "getting by", especially my daughter.  

Slowly but surely, I started making changes and that's where REINVENTION was born.  These practices changed my life and I know they will change yours too. 

In REINVENTION, you will learn: 

✔️ How to ditch mom guilt. FOR GOOD.
✔️ How to get crystal clear about what is and isn't working for you. It's all about the VISION of your dream mom life. 
✔️ How to start taking action to create that dream mom life, right now. 
✔️ How to activate your inner hot mom (which has nothing to do with the way you look, btw)
✔️ How to do all of this being confident AF

Mom life without the burnout


Leave feeling confident, empowered authentic and ready to enjoy this crazy ride of motherhood!


Come back to this material again and again, as your life and family evolves and grows. 

Lifetime access

We're not just getting by anymore, we are here to thrive.  This is about designing your ideal next chapter. 

Best case scenario

Motherhood is not one size fits all.  This framework is designed for you to uncover what works for you, your family and your lifestyle. 


Get ready for a mix of mindset strategies and actionable steps to take to create your dream mom life. 

Mindset, meet action

The program is ready for you to access at any time, whether it's waiting in your car at pick up or when you're rocking your baby to sleep. 


The Highlights